Girls Who Code


Girls Who Code was founded with a single mission: to close the gender gap in technology

Girls who code was founded in 2012 to close the gender gap in technology through providing access to programming and coding education to more girls around the World. To today, 90,000 women have enrolled in girls who code, including our electrician Kai and Our Programming Lead Penny. Having this connection, we wanted to reach out and offer girls the opportunities to learn how programming applies robotics and engineering as well!

Felix and Kai at Exeter Middle School

On Wednesday, December 12th, Felix and Kai traveled to Exeter Middle School to give a presentation on Vertex’s robot and our unique image recognition technology.

Felix at CMS

Kai, our electrician, gave a brief explanation of how our robot works while Felix, a programmer, talked about the state of the art image recognition technologies. These include multiple types of Convolutional Neural Networks and other similar algorithms used by the open source library OpenCV. The presentation was very well received by both the adult advisors of the club and its members. This activity is also a great learning experience for both Felix and Kai in terms of presentation content.

Because most students in girls who code were middle schoolers, we had to have media release consent to upload their photos on here.